SatView enables users to either quickly display or delve more deeply into the results created by the SATURN assignment, graphically displaying the model outputs over Bing mapping data. Differences between scheme networks may be readily compared in a meaningful and accessible way. Similarly, the impact of proposed schemes on existing traffic flows and travel times may quickly visualised and easily extracted for reporting purposes.
One of the main issues in reporting model outputs is ensuring that the viewer can quickly interpret the results in a meaningful way, understand their significance and draw the right conclusions. To do this, the model data must be presented on the physical roads rather than some notional representation. At a click of a button, SatView can quickly and effortlessly match the curvature of the SATURN network to the real-life road structure displayed in Bing.
A transport analyst will often have many tools at their disposal, including popular GIS applications such as ArcGIS and MapInfo. SatView can easily output road network structure, attribute data and geometric polygons relating to attribute visualisations (e.g. bands) to popular GIS formats, including shape files for example. SatView fits effortlessly into your existing workflow and standardised processes.
SatView is powerful enough to deal with some of the world’s largest and most complex networks. The built-in projection system will interpret and correctly position SATURN networks anywhere in the world. The speed and flexibility of SatView will allow you to quickly gain new insights from your SATURN assignments.
including advice on modelling capabilities and pricing information